ملتقى النسر الأحمر

أهلا وسهلا بكم فى ملتقى النسر الأحمر
رفيقى الزائر انت غير مسجل نتمنى منك التسجيل
للأستفادة من كل مميزات الملتقى

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

ملتقى النسر الأحمر

أهلا وسهلا بكم فى ملتقى النسر الأحمر
رفيقى الزائر انت غير مسجل نتمنى منك التسجيل
للأستفادة من كل مميزات الملتقى

ملتقى النسر الأحمر

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

فكرى تعبوي تنظيمي

    قصة من الواقع الفلسطيني مترجمة بالانجليزية

    ابو غلمي
    ابو غلمي

    جندي نشيط  جندي نشيط

    عدد الرسائل : 154
    العمر : 29
    العمل/الترفيه : طالب نشيط جدا
    المزاج : جبهاوي 100%
    الدولة : قصة من الواقع الفلسطيني مترجمة بالانجليزية Palest10
    نقاط : 5765
    تقييم الأعضاء : 1
    تاريخ التسجيل : 31/05/2009

    قصة من الواقع الفلسطيني مترجمة بالانجليزية Empty قصة من الواقع الفلسطيني مترجمة بالانجليزية

    مُساهمة من طرف ابو غلمي الأحد يوليو 19, 2009 6:19 pm


    We all know Dar Saleh Ali hub in our family just like the rest of decent families in the town Dirawiyeh all the meanings Palestinian affiliation
    s managed to take up residence in Jordan elder brother was able to enter Palestine in the Halawa agreements hard excitement visitors stayed here.

    The subject of our story Nazim is doing what remained single, He settled in Irbid unmarried is not married has no first-degree relatives moved from room to lack of work and that he has no family and can not owned lived a life of displacement tomorrow prison semi-permanent dwellings is not surprising that if Mrahoumena eager to enter the prison because prison and grandfather of mercy all human beings, it is that simulates walls, Ftstitute without discussion with anybody Bacaiha imagine they yearn for... Prison provided him with food and offers him stability and make him centennial, but interventions are anathema to humans Sran this blessing comes from the release of a thunderbolt it takes to Flav.... Consider the highest ... All actors do not find any published Hanoun... not find only minimum revolving wheel rides stand it no mercy Why is not the only return to prison and how to return? Answer Arafa Mrahoumena defined Arts entering prison while still ignorant of the arts not get out into the prison ... Platforms weekly flight between jailer and prisoner strong relationship that the warden the strong hematite become authors and Annisa for Nazim Pedauyt relationship between them so that the warden is eager for the prisoner Became a forum for sightseers are nostalgic for some of his jailer that sightseers and guarded prisoner to keep his life and therefore agreed in time for the leaders to work on restoring the audience where Nazim will paint the cell live longer endure the pool for a house and did not want the prisoner is not the warden that Ehetlk time lost due to factors become a part of them and live with them more than any premises
    Release: Palm uttered this time the warden has become known as the Nazim weight, but it must be compliance with the laws of such laws which wronged Nazim and Nazim millions of times and referred to his homelessness and asylum laws which failed to restore rights to his house carrying the body is expected to win these laws, these laws won the Nazim and drove in the audience, but again went into the unknown Nazim usual, did not know where go marched along without thinking Ihamlk
    If from the. No one knows what is the solution? Put in refrigerator will miss him dead people from today to tomorrow, but no one asking ... Whew keep young people from more than a day or two or three and ask him ... There is more than one week did not ask him where the police need to examine ... Police began searching Mrahoumena is fortunate that the incident occurred near the police station, who maintains it announced the police station on the unidentified corpse is missing one reviewed the status of known and delegations began with a delegation came to accompany one Sjanna people to acquaint themselves with the body unknown

    Loya of lightening started this officer warden into tears very surprised people and the staff fridge crying that this system.... Nazim Nazim of God Rahmak Oh God Nazim
    Who is responsible....? The offender ... If this young man died a martyr or, as they call suicide, the world would have been up in arms looking for Vim, which recruited and the search for the reasons that made him commit suicide and the emerging Information Network boasts halt Thus

    The Nazim not Bouake him ... Is the Palestinian people.... is deprived millions... is the injustice of laws ... Stock Insavon Nazim ... Nazim times and the solution... Oh senior Loya permeated States

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الثلاثاء سبتمبر 24, 2024 6:30 am